Welcome to the Tri-City Photography Club website.
We are a group of photography enthusiasts with all levels of skills – from the beginner wanting to know more about all of the buttons on their camera to the seasoned veteran who loves their hobby.
We meet every second and fourth Tuesday evening (excluding statutory holidays, school events, etc.) either online (Zoom) or at Montgomery Centre (Coquitlam Continuing Education SD43) at 380 Montgomery St, Coquitlam. Meetings start at 7:00 PM sharp. Guests are always welcome!
Click on MEETINGS in the menu bar above to see meeting dates and topics.
Membership is $60/year per person, $90/year for a family membership or $35/year for 25 years old and younger. Guests are always welcome to sit in on a night to visit for free and see what we are all about!
We also meet online in our private Facebook group, available for members only. If you are a member, be sure to join the group so you can share your images, ask your question about camera gear or photography in general, see images from other members, and never miss any club notifications. Any field trips or special notifications will be posted here.